Jump Master

Postion Overview

The Jump Master is truly the most important and inspiring crew postion in the bungee jumping industry! This role combines technical rope work ability with team leadership, as well as operations management and even psychology and negociating skills. The JM is the person who ensures the safety of all jumpers and crew members. This postion is earned by the most professional and commited applicants.

Postion Start Date:

Late April

Position Requirements:

18 plus, First Aid- CPR C, Blingual (French- English), GCB Scheduler Modules, GCB JA Modules


$17/hr to $19/hr

Additional Information:

This is a graduated position in GCB’s Module Program. In order to begin work at this position one needs to have had prior experience with one of GCB’s entry level positions such as Retrieval Operator or Scheduler and then completed the Jump Assitant module requirements.

Application Instructions:

Please apply for a GCB entry level position and express your interest in moving towards this position. To apply for an entry level position please send a CV and Cover Letter to Tristan Loomis at tristan@bungee.ca.


Jump Assistant