Jump Assistant
Postion Overview
The Jump Assistant works in the heart of the action! Perched high on the jump deck with a birds eye view of the entire jump site, the JA helps perform the final double checks on each jump and works directly with the Jump Master to assist bungee jumpers through their final pivotal steps before taking the plunge!
Postion Start Date:
Late April
Position Requirements:
18 plus, First Aid- CPR C, Blingual (French- English), GCB Scheduler Modules
$16/hr to $17/hr
Additional Information:
This is a graduated position in GCB’s Module Program. In order to begin work at this position one needs to have had prior experience with one of GCB’s entry level positions such as Retrieval Operator or Scheduler.
Application Instructions:
Please apply for a GCB entry level position and express your interest in moving towards this position. To apply for an entry level position please send a CV and Cover Letter to Tristan Loomis at tristan@bungee.ca.