What is it?

Just 20 minutes from downtown Ottawa is "The Rock", home to Great Canadian Bungee's 200 ft. Goliath. Here you'll find one of the world's most spectacular and unique Bungee Jumping sites. Visualize an amphitheater of solid limestone, 200 ft. high, surrounding a 160 ft. deep aqua-blue, spring-fed lagoon, larger than 3 football fields.



  • Gorgeous outdoor setting in a private quarry

  • 200 feet high, 160 foot rebound

  • Option of Ankle Harness jump or Body Harness jump

  • Option of water-dip or staying dry (touching the water is not guaranteed)

  • Option of diving forwards or falling backwards

  • Gentle deceleration of only 3 Gs

  • Rebound to 80% of the original jump height

  • Lots of spectator areas

  • Complete multi-angle video capture (at a reasonable cost)

All jumpers under 18 years old must present written parental consent before jumping.


All equipment used by GCB has been specifically designed and engineered for bungee jumping or rescue applications and meets or exceeds the requirements prescribed in CBA, NABA, SANZ and the WV Bungee Safety Act.

The Great Bungee Company uses the most advanced technology in Bungee Cord design including superior construction materials, manufacturing techniques, and safety features. One of the features of the cord design allows cords to stretch four times their original length resulting an extremely soft ride for our customers. 



Is the jump over water? . . .

Yes. The bungee jump and the RIPRIDE zipline are over a 160ft deep lagoon.

How high is the bungee jump? . . .

200ft above the water.

Does bungee jumping hurt or cause discomfort? . . .

Physically, bungee jumping is a smooth process with a gradual deceleration. Jumpers do not feel any physical pain or significant discomfort during the course of the jump. Fear is usually what causes the most discomfort during the course of the activity.

Are bungee jumping and the RIPRIDE zipline safe? . . .

Yes, both activities are safe. For more information about safety and about our company please visit the ABOUT section.

How do I need to dress for bungee jumping and the RIPRIDE zipline? . . .

No special clothing is required for jumping or for the RIPRIDE ziplining, however, all jumpers are required to wear shoes or sandals with a strap that will stay on your feet. Boots or flip flops are not permitted. Check the weather on the date of your activity and dress appropriately for the conditions.

Will I touch the water on my bungee jump? . . .

The water dip is optional. If you do not want to touch the water then you will not. If you ask to do a "water dip" then it may be arranged at the discretion of the jump master. In this case the touch is not guaranteed.

Can I jump with a camera? . . .

No. Jumpers are asked to remove all personal items from their pockets before jumping and cameras must be left behind. This is a safety concern and our insurance forbids this.

Is there a training and instruction period before the jump? . . .

There is a group safety briefing before jumping begins. Jump instructions, retrieval procedures, and jump options are all explained, harnessing then follows. This briefing only takes about 5 minutes.

Will I be attached by my ankles or by my waist? . . .

Each jumper will be given the option to jump either with an ankle harness attachment or a body harness attachment. The body harness is a waist and shoulder harness combination. The ankle harness utilizes a waist harness backup system.

Will bungee jumps or the RIPRIDE zipline be cancelled if it rains? . . .

No. Our activities are all rain or shine.

Will the bungee jumps or the RIPRIDE zipline be cancelled in severe weather? . . .

Bad weather, such as severe winds, intense rain or lightning, may cause delays to the activities but very rarely cancellations. Delays to jump processes are at the discretion of Great Canadian Bungee management.

Can I jump naked? . . .

No. Clothing must be worn by all for bungee jumping.

Can we jump with 2 people together? . . .

No, we do not allow "tandem" bungee jumping. All jumpers must jump individually.

How old do you have to be to bungee jump or RIPRIDE zipline? . . .

You must be 18 years old to bungee jump without parental consent. If you are less than 18 years old you must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or have written consent by the parent or legal guardian. The parent or guardian must also be reachable by telephone the day of the jump to verify consent.

What are the minimum and maximum weight limits for bungee jumping and the RIPRIDE zipline? . . .

The minimum weight for bungee jumping is 80 lbs. The maximum weight is 300 lbs. The minimum weight for the RIPRIDE is 70 lbs, the maximum is 250 lbs.

Are there restrictions for bungee jumping or the RIPRIDE zipline? . . .

Great Canadian Bungee reserves the right to restrict access to activities to anyone based on the discretion of management. Restrictions include intoxication, pregnancy, extreme asthma or respiratory disorders, epilepsy, hypertension, skeletal or joint or ligament problems.

How long does the bungee jumping take? . . .

From the time you arrive on site the jump process including registration, briefing, and cycling through the group booked into the hour for which you reserved, typically takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.

Can I bungee jump and RIPRIDE zipline in the same day? . . .

Yes, in fact there is a discounted RIPRIDE zipline price specifically for this purpose.

Are there videos or photos of the Bungee Jumps or RIPRIDE zipline available? . . .

Yes! There are photos and videos availbable of each. Please see our Your Video Page.


Prepare for your jump!

At GCB we pride ourselves on delivering the most professional and enjoyable bungee jumping experience possible.


Bungee Motivation

This video is a must watch for anyone concerned about their bungee jumping experience with GCB or that have doubts about the big jump. GCB operations director Nick Steers walks us through some of the important key things to think about to make your bungee experience as stress free as possible!

Great Canadian Bungee Guide

GCB operations director Nick Steers takes you through a walkthrough of the entire jump site from the ground up all the way to 200ft up.

How to Bungee Jump

This video is a helpful demonstration of what the jump masters at GCB will be looking for on your big jump and it will give some important safety DOs and DONTs. GCB operations director Nick Steers walks us through the jump instructions for both ankle harness and body harness at GCB.